Songdrops - If Our Love Was An Outhouse Lyrics
[Verse 1]
If our love was some swamp gas it would make a sweet sound.
If our love was a skunk but it would stay on the ground.
If our love was a camel it wouldn't much spit.
If our love was an outhouse, it would smell like a ba...
Songdrops - Mom's Song Lyrics
You've been my mom for a very long time and you know me pretty well.
Sometimes I act like an angel from heaven. Sometimes I act like a rebel from...
Well, you get the idea, but through it all, you love me just the same.
Songdrops - A Very Sad Song Lyrics
This is a very, very,
Very, very, very, very, very,
Sad song.
It's about...
Songdrops - Puppy Love Lyrics
I met you on a Monday and we shared a smile.
We took some time on Tuesday to sit and talk awhile.
I went to see you Wednesday. I couldn't look away.
For three fun hours Thursday, you brightened up my day.
Finally, on Friday,...
Songdrops - If I Were Lyrics
If I were a tree,
I'd be pleased with me,
Living and giving so others could be.
If I were a deer,
I'd feel pride sincere,
Knowing that no one's as graceful as me.
(Instrumental break)
If I were a bear,
Songdrops - You Are Not Alone Lyrics
[Verse 1]
If lately you've been hurting,
If the world seems dark and grey,
If you're feeling far from certain,
You're gonna be okay,
If no one seems to notice,
If no place feels like home,
Deep ...
Songdrops - I Love U-kuleles Lyrics
Now that we're together and now that we're alone,
Walking towards the sunset hand in hand.
Now that there's nothing in the way,
There's something that I want to say,
Three simple words I'm so afraid you migh...
Songdrops - You Turn My Pinkies Blue Lyrics
When I look at you, I want to throw up.
Your loveliness gives me butterflies.
When I hear your voice I have to plug my ears.
Your sweetness makes me cry.
When I hold your hand, I need to immediately use the bathroom.
I'm s...
Songdrops - The Tomato Song Lyrics
I don't like tomatoes and I don't think they like me.
I wouldn't say I hate them and they're not my enemy.
We do our best to co-exist by staying far apart.
I don't like tomatoes; they always make me far... too...
Songdrops - Barry The Bear Lyrics
Have you ever seen Barry the invisible bear?
When he tries to look scary, nobody cares.
When he eats honey,
It's really funny,
'Cause it looks like the honey is floating in air!
Have you ever seen Molly the in...
Songdrops - The Homework Song Lyrics
Before I answer the question "Did I do my homework?",
I'd like to take this opportunity to say,
You're the greatest teacher that I've ever had;
Understanding and forgiving, especially today,
And if they g...
Songdrops - Honey Bear Lyrics
Honey Bear, Honey Bear, Honey Bear.
What are you doing in your underwear?
I'm getting dressed for a new day.
I hope it goes my way,
But if it doesn't that's OK.
Sometimes, I get confused,
About which paw goe...
Songdrops - Bananas Lyrics
Bananas, bananas, bananas.
Bananas, bananas, bananas.
Songdrops - I Love U (It's My Favourite Letter) Lyrics
I love U, it's my favourite letter.
No other letter,
Could ever be better even in a fancy sweater.
It's so unusual, unique, and undefined.
It's unpretentious. I don't know what that means but I think it means ...
Songdrops - I Was Born In Oklahoma Lyrics
I was born in Oklahoma.
I always liked the oak aroma,
But one thing I don't know-a:
Why am I singing this way?
I've never been to Great Britain.
I'm sure it's a nice place to sit in,
But one thing that doe...
Songdrops - No One Ever Needs To Pee In Movies Lyrics
No one ever needs to pee in movies. Don't you think that's a little strange.
No one ever needs to pee in movies. You almost never see someone in bladder pain.
Not even when they're getting set for bedtime. Not even when t...
Songdrops - Tarantulas Lyrics
Tarantulas, tarantulas.
Everybody loves tarantulas.
If there's just fuzz,
Where your hamster was,
It's probably because,
Of tarantulas.
[Verse 1]
They're so soft and they're so furry,
And th...
Songdrops - My Cowgirl Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Her boots are bluer,
Than the flowers in the manure,
Scattered along the trail where all the cattle go.
Her eyes are browner than the dirty, muddy ground where,
The cows all lay around and make the warm West wind blow.
Songdrops - The Unfinished Song Lyrics
I didn't finish this song,
'Cause I didn't have time,
So won't you play along,
And help me finish each---?
Do you get the idea?
It's not hard to see.
I'll start each part,
And then it's fi...
Songdrops - Before I Could Rhyme Lyrics
I wrote this song before I knew how to rhyme.
I guess that's why it took me such a long... piece of paper.
I know it sounds funny.
How am I supposed to buy things without any... time?
I wrote this song before I knew how to r...
Songdrops - More Amazing Than Your Love Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I've seen a shooting star that was perfectly still.
No, really, for real.
No, really, for real,
And I've seen a four-leaf-clover that was missing a leaf.
It made me cry with some grief.
It made me cry with so...
Songdrops - The Fidget Spinner Song Lyrics
(Verse 1)
Please stop playing with your fidget spinner.
It might make you feel like you're a winner,
But it just flew into my dinner.
Please stop playing with your fidget spinner!
Everywhere that I go,
It's a fun-fi...
Songdrops - I'm Waiting For A Text From You Lyrics
I'm waiting for a text from you.
I'm waiting for a text from you.
You might think I've got something better to do,
But I'm sitting here waiting for a text from you.
(Verse 1)
I'm looking at m...
Songdrops - The Pool Party Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I'm sorry to interrupt the pool party.
In a minute you can all get back to more carefree fun,
But we have a little situation.
We have a little complication.
Well, actually, honestly, truthfully, more than one.
Songdrops - Will You Be My Valentine? Lyrics
[Verse 1]
V is for a very special someone.
A is for always being on my mind.
L is for a word that I'm too shy to say,
And E is for exactly who I want to see each day.
Will you be my valentine?
Will you be mine...
Songdrops - The Funny Little Bug Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I saw a funny bug walking across the floor.
It must've gotten in through a crack in the door.
I watched it awhile then I watched it some more.
Then I had to go to run to the store.
I came back to see if it was st...
Songdrops - Five Fruit Flies Flew Lyrics
Five fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flower meals.
One fruit fly thought, "It's too far,
And hopped a ride inside a car."
Four fruit flies flew through three fields,
Thirsty for free flowe...
Songdrops - The Long Word Song Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I've been afraid of big words since I was a kid.
I thought that I'd get over it; somehow I never did.
Usually it's no big deal, but every now and then,
You're audaciously loquacious- ahhh! It kicks in a...
Songdrops - Gary The Ghost Lyrics
Gary the ghost,
He liked to make toast,
Even though he couldn't eat it.
It smelled really yummy,
Put a smile in his tummy,
Even though he couldn't feed it.
That first night,
I awoke with a fright,
At the nois...
Songdrops - Pokey The Porcupine Lyrics
Pokey the porcupine,
He mostly takes his time.
Doesn't get a lot of hugs but doesn't mind.
Pokey the porcupine.
[Verse 1]
Once, Pokey slipped and rolled down a hill,
Landed upside-down in a marshmallow sp...
Songdrops - Here For You Lyrics
I'll always be right here for you.
I'll always be right here for you.
I'll always be right here for you,
So I hope you never need me someplace else.
I'll always be right here for you.
I'll always be rig...
Songdrops - Striper The Kitty Lyrics
Striper the kitty.
I found him all alone.
It would have been a pity,
Not to bring him home.
There's no other kitty,
Like my new best friend,
With a big striped tail,
And funny smell,
But still I love him.
Songdrops - Don't Make A Snowman With Yellow Snow Lyrics
[Verse 1]
It's a lovely winter day,
So you might go out and play.
Before you do, here's a suggestion,
And it's probably one you shouldn't question:
Don't make a snowman with yellow snow.
Songdrops - The CBA Song Lyrics
Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T.
S, R, Q, then comes P.
O, N, M, L, K, J.
I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A.
Now I know my CBA's,
I bet you can't sing them this way!
Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T.
S, R, Q, then comes P.
O, N, M, L, K, J.
Songdrops - The Father's Day Song Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Every day you keep me safe and warm and loved and fed,
But today's your special day; it was my turn instead.
So I got up at five A. M. I've been working hard since then.
Some things I didn't get quite right;...
Songdrops - Not Even For A Friend Like You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
We've been friends for a while.
We've seen each other cry, we've made each other smile.
I'd do anything for you.
Well, keeping it real, that's not exactly true.
If you're hanging at home,...
Songdrops - I've Got Issues With Your Tissues Lyrics
I've got issues,
With your tissues,
How you throw them on the floor.
I've got issues,
With your tissues.
Please don't do that anymore.
I've got issues,
With your tissues.
That's not what a floor i...
Tom MacDonald - Good Day Lyrics
Graduated Honors
Never went to college
Everything I learned
Was from a biker and my father
I moved out at seventeen
My parents were the enemies
I was working out a lot and wrestling
I was a celebrity in every tense
Selling dope and ...
Homeboy Sandman - It's Cold Lyrics
It's cold, so cold
It's cold, it's cold, it's cold, so cold
Never mind chillin, the cat graze
Secrets to life long nights and last days
City smells like poured bottles and ash trays
There is not enough palm olive [?]
Songdrops - Dumb Jokes Lyrics
Every one of these jokes is better than the next.
I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger, then it hit me.
Two hats were on a hat rack. One said, "You hang here I'll go on a head."
Time flies like an arro...