Red Rocks Worship - How Beautiful Your Grace Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Your love for me won't change
Even when I hold back, even when I'm hiding
You cover me with grace
Even in my failure, even in the striving
You crossed the distances to find my heart
And now there's not...
Jamie Grace - Beautiful Day Lyrics
Wake up and smile cause it's been a while
It's been like a whole day since I stopped so you could hold me
This child awaits, strong in the faith
Lord, You are the refuge that I can't wait to get to
Cause I can't let ...
Hillsong Worship - No One But You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Who can melt the hardest heart
And speak life into my soul
Who can spin the world around
And hold me ever close
[Verse 2]
Who can search the depths of me
And love me to the core
Who controls the world I see
Yodelice - I Worship You Lyrics
Feel losing it again
I worship you
Worship you in vain
Every street is called your name
I worship you
Worship you in vain
I worship you
I worship you in vain
I worship you
I worship you in vain
Can't lose trac...
Isaac Carree - I Worship You Lyrics
Mighty, in all your ways,
Your pure, and your just,
you were sent, just to save me,
and I'm amazed by the great love you have for me,
The unselfish sacrifice you gave
And you came as a rescue for me
And I owe everything to yo...
Israel Houghton - I Will Search (feat. New Breed) Lyrics
How precious how lovely
Are your thoughts oh Lord toward me
How truly amazing
Is the grace that you have shown
Oh majesty I live to see your face
I will search for you
And I will find you
I will find you with all my heart
I will l...
Francesca Battistelli - Beautiful, Beautiful Lyrics
Don't know how it is You looked at me
And saw the person that I could be
Awakening my heart
Breaking through the dark
Suddenly Your grace
Like sunlight burning at midnight
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Kutless - We Will Worship Lyrics
When days are gold and life is good,
When the plans we make go as they should,
Or when the sky turns dark and heartache falls,
And a lonely painful season calls.
We will worship with all of our hearts,
We will worship all that You a...
Kutless - We Will Worship Lyrics
When days are gold and life is good
When the plans we make go as they should
Or when the sky turns dark and heartache falls
And a lonely painful season calls
We will worship with all of our hearts
We will worship all that You a...
Goldstreet Worship - Beautiful Jesus Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Great king Jesus
Faithful trustworthy
Bright morning star
Rose of Sharon
Lily of the valley
You shine like the morning sun
You are beautiful
So beautiful
You are beautiful
Heavenly King
[Verse 2]
Sovereign Jesus
Dr Sean T George - King Of Kings Lyrics
Verse 1:
I worship the King of Kings
I worship the Lord of Lords
The Prince of Peace
The mighty conqueror
Verse 2:
I bow down on my knees
I fall at Your feet
You are mighty
You are worthy my Lord
Your name is Jesus
Your name is Ya...
David Oke AGS - We Worship You Lyrics
Hosanna to ever living one
He left His heavenly glory
And choose to dwell among His own handiwork
Even though they receive not
Yet He's given Himself in their place
Oh Lamb of God we worship You
We worship you
We worship you
Kelton French - I Worship YOU Lyrics
[Verse 1}
I Worship YOU When I'm Weak And Strong
I Worship YOU In The Light Of The Morning
I Worship YOU All Night Long
[Verse 2]
I Worship YOU When I'm Cold And Hungary
I Worship YOU When I...
Peter C - You Are Beautiful Lyrics
You are beautiful
Who can compare with You
Who can describe Your ways
Non can search Your thoughts God.
Twenty four elders they worship You
They cry holy holy
To the One who was and is
And is to come.
Heaven and earth ado...
Christmas Songs - Angels From The Realm Of Glory Lyrics
Angels from the realms of glory
Wing your flight over all the earth
Ye, who sang Creation's story
Now proclaim Messiah's birth
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ the newborn King
Shepherds in the fiel...
Elevation Worship - Grace So Glorious (Reprise) Lyrics
Ephesians 1:6 says that we have been adopted as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ to the praise of His glorious grace. What of this glorious grace? Not a grace that simply covers our sin, but a grace that after it has covered our sin,...
Citizen Way - How Sweet The Sound Lyrics
Yea, though I walk through the valley
I know that You are always right beside me
And I will fear no evil
You're my rock and my strength
You comfort me
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I hear You sin...
Those Poor Bastards - Black God Forest Lyrics
Servants of the goat
Riders of the worm
To the ether deep
We must now return
Papa flap your wings
Daughter eat your tail
Call upon the swine
Be prepared to fail
Worship we worship
Worship we worship
Black God forest
Elevation Worship - Grace So Glorious Lyrics
Beneath the cross of Jesus Christ
No shadow remains for shame to hide
Redemption shone for all to see
Perfection bore our penalty
With a grace so glorious
Immortal day the veil was torn
When mercy donned a crown of thorns
As law g...
Jeremy Riddle - What Joy Is Found Lyrics
What joy is found
In communion with You
Beholding Your beauty
In knowing Your truth
In living a life
That pleases Your heart
Responding with praises
To all that You are
Oh, how lovely
Is the King in all H...
Islander - Beelzebub Lyrics
I know the church is a whore, but she's my mother and I love her
There's not a thing you could say, or price you could pay to make me think any less of her
I know the only reason your crown stays on your head is because of your h...
Selina Smart - I Will Worship You Lyrics
Verse 1: I'm here on this earth to live for you and to hear your every word, I sing your praise in your holy name everywhere I go now you know that I will worship you for you to be here with me so I won't be alone now that you see...
Lady Vital - Beautiful Lyrics
All things are beautiful
All of my friends we are beautiful
Everybody looking so beautiful
Boys and girls
Am beautiful yea
Am Beautiful
With the word feed...
Issue No. 174 - Beautiful Lyrics
(oohhh aahh)
Beautiful girl you are so divine
Beautiful smile with a beautiful mind
Beautiful light you're a shining star
Beautiful boy you are so unique
Beautiful heart with a beautiful dream
Beautiful soul you...
Selina Smart - The Crown Lyrics
Verse 1: I Will hold the sky in my hands you wear the crown not even God can break me down because I hold the sky tonight if I would stray away I will never let this Go cause I know that this is the moment I need I still believe
Chorus: ...
Isla Vista Worship - All My Days Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I gave You my fears
You gave me Your love
And I gave You my sorrow
You gave me Your joy
[Verse 2]
And I gave You my unbelief
You gave me faith
I gave You my sinful nature
The Brilliance - Our God Alone Lyrics
Who formed the mountains and filled the oceans?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who took the dust, breathed life in us?
Our god alone, our god alone
Alleluiawho came from heaven for our redemption?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who ...
Indiana Bible College - Forevermore Lyrics
Forevermore, Lord I will worship You
I will lift my hands in praise, for all the wondrous things You do
You alone are worthy Lord of all the praise that I can give to You
Lord I will worship You, forevermore
You are so ...
Indiana Bible College - Lord, I Worship You Lyrics
Verse 1
There's non like You
No, none else beside You
For You are holy, so I praise Your name
You are the mighty God, the Prince of peace
The everlasting Father for all eternity
Lord, You're holy, so I praise and worship You...
The Last Dinner Party - Beautiful Boy Lyrics
The best a boy can ever be is pretty
He launches ships on which he sails to safety
And what I'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy
He has the Earth makes love to her to spite me
I am held captive by the ribbon 'round my...
Aaron Gillespie - I Will Worship You Lyrics
When I'm losing, when I'm broken
When I'm sinking like a stone and it feels like I'm alone
I will worship You
When I'm so scared, life is unfair
When I'm tired and lose my way, when I'm feeling so as...
Phil Wickham - How It Turned out Lyrics
What are the chances of ever knowing You?
Oh God of creation
What would have happened if I have never followed You?
Oh lord of Salvation
But this is how we turned out
This is how we turned out
Everyday you greet me with the beauty...
Matt Maher - Your Grace Is Enough Lyrics
Great is Your faithfulness, oh God
You wrestle with the sinner's restless heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise,...
Kings Kaleidoscope - Grace Alone Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I was an orphan, lost at the fall
Running away when I'd hear You call
But Father, you worked your will
I had no righteousness of my own
I had no right to draw near Your throne
But Father, You loved me still
Brooke Woods - I Bow Down Lyrics
Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy I Bow Down
Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy I Bow Down
Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy I Bow Down
[Verse 1]
With A Humbled Spirit I Come
A Heart Full Of Praise
With A Humble Spirit I Run
Fall Upon My Face
Joe Christian - I Just Wanna Praise Lyrics
Yea! When I think about all I've been through in life,I realize how much I should be grateful to God. Because He saw me through it all the shit and stuffs I've been through in life
I just wanna (praise you)
I j...
Planetshakers - Made For Worship Lyrics
I abandon, every distraction
My attention is set on You
My devotion, Jesus my portion
My affection is set on You
I was made to worship, I was made for Your embrace
I was made to worship, I was made to bless Your Name
I will bless...
Sinach - Way Maker Lyrics
You are here
Moving in our midst
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Working in this place
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Moving in our midst
I worship you
I worship you
You are here
Working in this place
I worship you
I wors...
Taj Mahal - She Knows How To Rock Me Lyrics
I'm goin' downtown
Get me a rockin' chair
Gon' let my baby rock me
On away from here
But she knows how to rock me (know how to rock me)
Lord, she sure can rock me (she sure know how rock me)
If ya ever been rocked
Then ...
Michael W. Smith - Grace Lyrics
GRACE by Michael W. Smith
I was lost when You found me here,
You pulled me close and held me near,
And I'm a fool but still You love,
I'll be a fool for the King of love,
He gave me wings so I could fly,
And gave me a song t...