Phil Wickham - Song In My Soul Lyrics
[Verse 1: Phil Wickham]
There's a song in my soul
And I feel it stirring in me
This I know for sure
That Your love is like a flood
And Your mercy never ending
I give my song to You
[Verse 2: Phil Wickham]
Phil Wickham - Spirit of God Lyrics
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me...
Phil Wickham - Doxology/Amen Lyrics
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him all he heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen
God we praise You
God we praise You
Praise God for all that he has done
Praise hi...
Phil Wickham - Stand in Awe Lyrics
Who could know your thoughts?
Who could grasp your ways?
Who could match your goodness or deny your grace?
You awake my soul
Captivate my heart
Oh God, how great you are
You command the laws of the universe
Burning bright with glory infinit...
Phil Wickham - Holy, Holy, Holy Lyrics
Lightning breaks around Your throne
Streams of Glory bursting from your robe
You are the God in Heaven
Voices sing Your endless praise
All who see you bow for countless days
You are the God in heaven
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord, G...
Phil Wickham - Messiah Lyrics
Look, the road is narrow and hard to find
With secret battles inside our minds
Who can last
God we need your strength to find
Your light to guide us through the night
You're our only chance
Messiah, Messiah, Messiah save us
Young Oceans - Out Here Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Out here
Out of step with You, O Lord
We talk of love but have not love
Out here
Out here
In our dry and barren land
Sifting life with idle hands
Out here
[Chorus 1]
Spirit of God
Spirit of God
Phil Wickham - Divine Romance Lyrics
The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty's all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I'm completely satisfied
For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine rom...
Phil Wickham - How It Turned out Lyrics
What are the chances of ever knowing You?
Oh God of creation
What would have happened if I have never followed You?
Oh lord of Salvation
But this is how we turned out
This is how we turned out
Everyday you greet me with the beauty...
Hillsong Live - Welcome In This Place Lyrics
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Comforter Counsellor here
Holy Spirit sent from heaven
The God of all glory is here
Rise up within me
Living Water
Spirit of God in me
You are welcome in this place
You are welcome in this place
God ...
Phil Wickham - High Above Lyrics
Your mercy falls with the rain
Your powers displayed in the wild ocean
Your presence will always remain
Jesus your love reaches to the heavens
You are God, high above the Earth
Angels sing for You
Mountains melt at the sound of Your...
Bryan & Katie Torwalt - Burn Lyrics
God, let Your fire
Burn in my soul
Come and take over
All my control
Burn in my spirit
Burn in my soul
Oh God, burn in me
God, let Your fire
Burn in my soul
Come and take over
All my ...
Phil Wickham - Revive Us Again Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When You move, hearts awaken
Broken lives will be redeemed
Here and now, as in Heaven
Let revival be released
Hear our cry
Heal our land
Oh God, we pray for revival
What You've done before
You ...
Phil Wickham - For God So Loved Lyrics
[Verse 1]
What kind of love is this
Greater than all I've seen
Perfection bends to kiss
Unworthiness like me
Here I stand forgiven
[Verse 2]
You stepped into my dark
Suffered the sinner's cross
Rescued my hope...
Phil Wickham - Capture My Heart Lyrics
Send you're spirit and move us
Lord make your presence known
Let you're fire consume us
Jesus we lift our souls to you
In my failure and my weakness
Your strength is glorified
For your grace and your forgiveness
Brought m...
Third Day - Spirit Lyrics
[Chorus 1]
Oh, Lord, fill us with Your spirit
Guide us by Your presence
How we need You, God
[Chorus 2]
Oh, Lord, lead us to Your kingdom
Bring us back to freedom
How we need You, God
How we need You, God
[Chorus 1]
Chelsea Wolfe - Two Spirit Lyrics
Two spirit, two spirit
Two spirit, two spirit
Time sped up and slowed down
Without regard for anyone
I called out from the deepest part
I feel concave, inverted for you
I'll be screaming through the afterlife
Phil Wickham - Great Things Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Come let us worship our King
Come let us bow at His feet
He has done great things
See what our Savior has done
See how His love overcomes
He has done great things
He has done great things
Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquer ...
Hillsong United - This I Believe Lyrics
Our Father everlasting
The all creating One
God Almighty
Through Your Holy Spirit
Conceiving Christ the Son
Jesus our Savior
I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three ...
Phil Wickham - On And On Lyrics
[Verse 1]
A love beyond what I could dream
You sent Your Son to rescue me
The light of all the stars will fade away
But God You stay the same
[Verse 2]
Forever faithful to forgive
You will be faithful till the end
The kin...
Holy Ghost - Static on the Wire Lyrics
Holy ghost, fall down on me
Let your spirit fall down on me
Holy ghost, fall down on me
Let your spirit fall down on me
Create in me a new heart, oh God
And renew a right spirit within me
Cast me not away from thy presence, oh God
Take not...
Goldstreet Worship - Lamb Of God (Come Holy Spirit) Lyrics
Verse 1
Lamb of God we bow before you
As we pray and lift you high
Holy Spirit we call your presence
Fill our heart forevermore
Heal all infirmities
Heal all broken hearted
Freedom above strongholds
Yes Holy Spirit
Yes holy spirit
Bryan & Katie Torwalt - Spirit Of The Living God Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Spirit of the living God break in
Come and shake these walls with a mighty, rushing wind
I've seen a glimpse of Your great power
I've found a hope, it ignites me like fire
Jesus, You're all m...
Phil Wickham - Battle Belongs Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When all I see is the battle, You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There's nothing to fear now for I am safe with You
Elevation Worship - Here As in Heaven Lyrics
The atmosphere is changing now
For the Spirit of the Lord is here
The evidence is all around
That the Spirit of the Lord is here
Overflow in this place
Fill our hearts with Your love
Your love surrounds us
You're the reason we...
Mount Eerie - Real Lost Wisdom Lyrics
The City Harmonic - One Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Here I stand, at the cross
Wholly saved in the Holy One
Body, mind, heart and soul
[Verse 2]
Here You are, Father God
In the Spirit and through the Son
The Lord Our God, the Lord is One
Phil Wickham - Better Than Life Lyrics
Take this life, forever I will call it yours
Take this life, you're the one I'm living for
I give it all to you
I give it all to you
Love so great it taught my heart to beat again
God your praise will ever be upon my lips
I give i...
Amy Ray - Let the Spirit Lyrics
Ain't no mortal can hold this song
So be humble and be worthy
Let the Spirit get a hold
Let the Spirit, let the Spirit take a hold
Be humble and be worthy
Let the Spirit get a hold
Nonbelievers, I implore you
What you call ...
Van Morrison - Spirit Will Provide Lyrics
Spirit will provide beyond the light
Spirit will provide beyond the white
Spirit will provide
Spirit will provide
Let go, let go and then Spirit will provide
Change your thought and it will change your mind
Spirit will provid...
Phil Wickham - How Great Is Your Love Lyrics
[Verse 1]
From the darkness, I called Your name
Into darkness, Your mercy came
You called me out, lifted me up
How great is Your love
[Verse 2]
You bore my weakness, You took my shame
Buried my burdens in fields of grace
Young Oceans - Heaven Has Come Lyrics
To the Father, and the Son
And the Spirit, glory be
To the Father, and the Son
And the Spirit, glory be
[Verse 1]
All the poor in spirit
All who weep and mourn
All the meek and mild
And every thirsty soul
Phil Wickham - Still Your Love Goes on Lyrics
I always complicate these things
Been living everything for me
But who can match Your grace
Your mercy can fill the darkest place
Still Your love goes on
Still You break me down
Still Your love runs free
Still You watch over me
Geesaks - Take The Whole Of Me Lyrics
Take the whole of me Abba Father
Possess the whole of me Holy Spirit
Take the whole of me Abba Father
Possess the whole of me Holy Spirit
[Verse 1]
Conform my will to yours
Take my heart oh God
Use me as you please Oh God
Phil Wickham - Wide Awake Lyrics
Through the veil, we have come
You've paid the price, a sacrifice, of flesh and blood
Hearts ablaze, drawing close
The holy place now invades the human soul
Wide awake, unashamed, in Your light
By Your grace, boldly running to Your si...
Third Day - Great God Almighty Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Moses came [?] in the red sea
He blew the children all around
Pharaoh coming over right behind him
Said "mow you over and watch you drown"
But before that Pharaoh got there
Moses looked up to the sky
Phil Wickham - Your Love Awakens Me Lyrics
There were walls between us
By the cross, You came and broke them down
You broke them down
There were chains around us
By Your grace, we are no longer bound
No longer bound
You called me out of the grave
You called me into the light
You ca...
The Brilliance - Breathe Lyrics
Breathe, breathe on me now
Open your mouth
And speak the word that heals this broken ground
Say, say what you will
As we are still
And we breathe in the very breath of God
Oh, Spirit of God
Here with us...
Yolanda Adams - Holy Spirit Lyrics
Holy Spirit, come and fill this place
Bring us healing with Your warm embrace
Show Your power make Your presence known
Holy Spirit, come fill this place
Holy Spirit, come fill this place
My heart is longing just to hear from Yo...
Phil Wickham - Body Mind & Soul Lyrics
You won me over yeh you've stolen my heart
Your hand of mercy brought me out of the dark
Alive forever I am held in your arms
You won me over yeh you've stolen my heart
Singing, hallelujah, hallelujah
I will love you with my body...