VictoriA - Jesus's Local Time Lyrics
When Jesus said to me what's my local local time
I said to my Lord it's 6 O' Clock in the eve, as i looked at clock ticking away on the wall
But Jesus said to me that's not my local time
My local locat time He said will ...
Joie De Vivre - Local Local Lyrics
The longer way to your
Parents house was full of
All the right things to say
All the trees were lined in rows in avenues on Sundays
I don't read enough to blame my disposition on anybody else
A subtle living and a better life...
Panic At The Disco - Local God Lyrics
In 1998, you bought a BC Rich
You were a master shredder from the jump
Blew them all away with the Ritalin kids
While I was shedding through my sophomore slump
You had so many chances to become a star
But you never really cared about t...
Joie De Vivre - Sundays Lyrics
I know I signify more to you than stability alone
Like august in a midwestern state:
Full of grace and half-broken bones
You're falling over your own unfortunate songs
You can soak in all the sun you want,
But it won't b...
Joie De Vivre - Summer In New London Lyrics
You wait for a time to come
When you've paid for any other motivation
There's nothing holding you here...
David Dallas - Local Celeb Lyrics
Stepped up in your town, came to shut it down
Not tryna step on anyone's toes, just do my thing and bounce
If you lost our whereabouts, where we are I couldn't pick it on a map
So don't think I'm tryna move in with yo...
Porch Matthews - Local Honey Lyrics
[Chorus: Porch Matthews]
I gotta get me some of that local honey
Dixie fried, down home sugar
Them other girls just don't do it for me
Quite like a home girl coulda
Them girls from 'Bama, them girls from Memphis
Twenty One Pilots - Fairly Local Lyrics
I'm fairly local, I've been around
I've seen the streets you're walking down
I'm fairly local, good people now
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm evil to the core
What I shouldn't do I will
They say ...
Saba - Adderall Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ah Another one of those nights
You know the ones when your eyes don't close at all
I just got done recording
And this girl want me over
But my grade can't afford it
So I'll pass so I can pass
Just last week seven ho...
Mylene Farmer - A Force De Lyrics
A l'envers
Cette terre
Il pleut sur Vienne
La vie est belle
A force de mourir
Je n'ai pas su te dire
Que j'ai envie de vivre
Donner l'envie de vivre
A force de courir
De perdre l'équilibre
Moi j'...
Joie De Vivre - Salt Lyrics
With some question of conquest
And how it always relates to me and mine
And how you always end up disappointing someone
It takes more than a steady hand to help guide me
It takes more than prescription pills to bring me back
How n...
Twenty One Pilots - Fairly Local Lyrics
I'm fairly local, I've been around
I've seen the streets you're walking down
I'm fairly local, good people nowI'm evil to the core
What I shouldn't do I will
They say I'm emotional
What I want to save...
Spector - Local International Lyrics
[Verse 1]
BA to L.A
Fly home on Tuesday
Don't say you're ok
If you're not ok
That Christmas broke us
We lost our focus
A plague of locusts
You barely noticed
It doesn't go away
No, i...
Guided By Voices - Hudson Rake Lyrics
Groundskeeper and
Witness in park
Look, there goes the rat smasher
Local observer
With binoculars (peculiar)
And behind him is the take
Dance contest MC
Jerry Cheswick
Do the Hudson Rake
Extra with one
Actual li...
Brian - Brian Adams Lyrics
Brian Adams - Je suis la Me Voila
Je suis la me voila jamais je ne pourait vivre sans toi me voila a tes
Coté se soir j'ai le droit de rever.
Un nouveau monde une nouvelle vie nos deux coeurs battres au rhytme de
Joie De Vivre - This Ship Has Sailed Lyrics
To be proud in the end is still pride
And that's selfish
You remind me of instability
To be warm... isn't it everything you wanted from us?
You remind me of instability
This isn't helping
You'll find me fair ...
Indochine - L World Lyrics
Il y a de moi
Il y a de moi entre toi et moi
Si tu m'aimes
Laisse-moi partir vivre sans toi
Même si de la peine nous a reunis autrefois
Jamais notre histoire ne sera salie entre toi et moi
Il y a de moi
Il y a de la vie entre toi et m...
Joie De Vivre - Autumn In New London Lyrics
For the first time in my life
I've been having dreams that I remember
And finding subtle differences
To make these days go faster
Keeping you at arms length
Isn't nearly far enough
It's too late to burn your bridg...
Joie De Vivre - I'll Support That Lyrics
You held me under your influence
You held me between two days
Don't lie, don't try to compromise
You'll find out that I'm not worth it
There was a great part of my recent years
Dedicated to yours
I'm not...
Zach Frost - Local Celebrity Lyrics
You saw my Facebook ad and heard me on The Blitz
But honestly, the truth is I am full of it
I’m just a wannabe, a poser and a cheat
I paid some actors to attend my meet and greet
You saw my flyers hanging down at Craft and Vin(yl)
Joie De Vivre - That Dude Leads A Depressing Life Lyrics
I don't doubt you
I just don't trust the insight of someone
So ideal and so unflinching
And so determined to be heard
I spend my days doing nothing
Thinking of starting over
I could go to school in Minnesota
And pay ...
Joie De Vivre - Who Cares Lyrics
All the ties I had to your apartment have all been sold or given away
And I can't turn down anyone that shows interest in something I've done
Or some band I'm in or some song I wrote
When I should have been in college
Joie De Vivre - High School Me Would Have Been Pumped Lyrics
I was so proud of the way you held yourself through your twenties
And poorer than I've ever been since before I knew you
I think that I'm outgrowing being in a band
For all the trouble and time I've spent
Singing abou...
Joie De Vivre - Robert Muldoon Lyrics
I used to drive across the entire state just to see you every weekend
And I rolled the windows down because I was afraid of falling asleep
I regret everything about that year
I regret everything about that year
I can't blame yo...
Joie De Vivre - The North End Lyrics
To be proud, in the end, is still pride
And that's selfish
You remind me of instability
To be warm isn't everything you wanted from us
You remind me of instability
This isn't helping
You'll find me fair and u...
Joie De Vivre - Upper Deck San Diego Lyrics
A strong resemblance of your old ways
It reminds me that I haven't changed
I gave very little, but I gave what I could
I remember the sound of slamming doors
And the way yours was always better in the morning
Your new directi...
Joie De Vivre - I Guess Not Lyrics
I stopped believing when I turned twenty
There's something more than this
When I carried you back home and you told me you loved me
I finally decided to be proud of myself
I'm not afraid of the future
I'm not afraid...
Joie De Vivre - Going To A Going Away Party Lyrics
I wouldn't call it shame
I'd call it embarrassment
And it's not that I'm indifferent
I'm just used to that same old feeling
I'm just used to the same old way
There wasn't a drastic change in how ...
Joie De Vivre - We're Equals Lyrics
It's less like a trend
It's more like an influence
I don't deserve any less judgment than my father does
Right now I feel more justified by my actions
For a three hour drive to the west
For a three hour walk for an ...
Maximo Park - Tales Of The Semi-Detached Lyrics
A man was spoiled tonight as he took the air by the waterside
He seemed to hesitate so repentant to participate
Press pause, the dealing's off, events had gone quicker than he'd ever had thought
Head down but there's no-on...
Joie De Vivre - At Least I Tried Lyrics
We all die alone
So why care so much about living with someone else?
Maybe it's because I'm getting older
That I don't understand
Once a week, every week,
I would see you
And it would make mine
Don't you...
Henri Salvador - VIVRE AU SOLEIL Lyrics
Paroles de Bernard Michel
Musique de Henri Salvador
Vivre au soleil
Presque nus tous les deux
Vivre au soleil
Loin des villes où il pleut
Partir vers des pays
Où le ciel n'est pas gris
Où les matins joyeux
Ne sont ...
Ollie MN - Panic Attack In My Local KFC Lyrics
During a panic attack
At my local KFC
I'm comforted by the fact
That the wifi's free
So I can google
"what the fuck is wrong with me?"
Why do I struggle
With things that should come so naturally?
Oh ho...
Joie De Vivre - I'd Be Upset If I Broke Up With Me Too Lyrics
I've stopped looking ahead in my life
Just constantly tracing back from where I've been
Up to present day to day living
I left the heat outside to get in
If I ever showed up like this again
You were there the first time ...
Joie De Vivre - Maybe People Do Change Lyrics
You told me you were thinking of moving some place warmer
I told you I was thinking of staying right here
My friendships grew too
My friendships moved too
Did you think twice?
Are you going to need more?
Cause I'm halfway t...
Joywave - True Grit Lyrics
Sometimes those city lights, you can't ignore
Sometimes those Euro sights will shake your core
But you've been sucking down a fine French wine
While I was stomping grapes from a local vine
I think I was just a little hard to...
Maximo Park - Her Name Was Audre Lyrics
I'm about the hunt
She's feelin' my poetry
I'm about the onslaught
She ain't feelin' my luxury
You never want to leave
The local library
She always thought
That you might understand
Her name was Aud...
Maximo Park - Her Name Was Audre Lyrics
I'm about the hunt
She's feelin' my poetry
I'm about the onslaught
She ain't feelin' my luxury
You never want to leave
The local library
She always thought
That you might understand
Her name was Au...
Joie De Vivre - Next Year Will Be Better Lyrics
An accent I can place that leads us no where
Reflects how much time we spent here
It's unfair to suggest that there
Is even a chance that I get through this
It's never been harder to feel better
It's never been hard...