Infant Annihilator - Soil The Stillborn Lyrics
Lifeless little creatures
Prepared for the priest
Torn from the womb then seduced and consumed
Soil the stillborn
Harvested for pleasure and greed
Puncture the lungs of every being
Under three years of age
Twisted experiments ...
Infant Annihilator - I. Infant Annihilator Lyrics
You have been gathered here to kill every child under two
Every pregnant mother too
We will stop the second coming of Christ
Of Christ
I the Pope bow to no one
Yet alone bow to God
I will slaughter everyone
Before I risk th...
Infant Annihilator - II. Anal Prolapse Suffocation Lyrics
Nails pin the hands and the feet of the infant children to the
Telephone poles. The crows feed upon their carrion. Their empty eyes
Stare through the swarms of malignant flies as their blood sweats
Through the soil. Mothers weep at th...
Infant Annihilator - Ere The Crimson Dawn Lyrics
All over the world
Their banners unfurled
O mighty War Lords
Galèria restored
They've watched that darkest hour of night
Whose gloom precedes the dawn of light
That solemn hour when silence deep
Seals not the eyes ...
Infant Annihilator - An Exhalation Of Disease Lyrics
All the Blood from the bodies collects then irrigates through the
Soil. It flows through the cracks of the earth then drips to the
Demons below, just waiting to be unleashed by the blood of the chosen
Christ. His blood shall set them ...
Infant Annihilator - Necropocalypse Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Littered with carnage
Continents crumbled by the crusade of rape
The catastrophe of cock and divine desires
A deviant plague
Humanity reduced to rotting fetish fiends
Between the sun and the moon
The Ea...
Infant Annihilator - Flayed And Consumed Lyrics
My convents are just a front. They are the breeding grounds of my
Disciples. Like turning water to wine, I re-wire their minds. I
Manufacture their evolution with trauma based torture and rape;
Therapeutic alterations achieved through...
Leeched - I, Flatline Lyrics
Tycho - Phoenix Lyrics
Fire burns everything
Nutrients which have been stored in the vegetation remain in the ashes, enrich the soil and thus make cultivation possible
Make cultivation possible
After the rainy season when the ashes have been absorbed int...
Arch Enemy - City Of The Dead Lyrics
In this city of broken dreams
Monuments of death arise
This is the Necropolis
Where the nameless live and breathe
Rotten tombs of ancient kings
Days of glory are gone
A mockery to the living souls
Confined in darkness
Trapped i...
[Chorus: Craig Xen, XXXTENTACION, Garette Revenge]
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye
Yeah, yeah
Crucify, thy infant (Fuck), aye
Crucify thy infant (Fuck), aye
Crucify, thy infant (Fuck), aye
Crucify, thy infa...
Vulvodynia - Consuming The Putrid Fetal Remains Lyrics
Mothers and Fathers lock up your newborn seed! I have a craving I need to feed. It comes around once a year, Halloween is finally here! The taste of new born flesh is the deity of my darkest desires. Feasting upon its virgin blood keeps me ...
Infant Annihilator - Pinned Down And Fisted Lyrics
So it begins
The procession of the rituals will bring judgment upon
As the congregation of the damned you will now renounce the blood of the lamb
Altar boys march single file down the aisle where they
Kneel before the...
Infant Annihilator - Cuntcrusher Lyrics
The gears are set into place;
The finals stages of purification are nudged into motion
By our pious Pope
The prevention of the second coming of Christ
Is now drawing closer to completion
Dissolution of component forces
Act to...
Infant Annihilator - Blasphemian Lyrics
Infant Annihilator - III. Embryonic Fetish Lyrics
I make an incision in her skin from her ribs to her pussy lips
I peel her skin back to see her innards
Her eyes now roll back in her head
The bitch now wishes she was dead with her crucified family
As I look to see her womb
I noti...
Christmas Songs - Child In A Manger Lyrics
Child in the manger, Infant of Mary
Outcast and stranger, Lord of all
Child who inherits
All our transgressions
All our demerits on Him fall
Once the most holy
Child of salvation
Gentle and lowly, lived below
Now as our g...
Infant Annihilator - Bathed In Placenta Lyrics
It is dawn and the rivers are red with blood - one small reminder of
What's to come. Now, behold the future unfold the way it's never been
Told before. Fuck the prophecies of God. I will destroy him like the
Piece of shit he...
Infant Annihilator - Motherless Miscarriage Lyrics
"Hail Mary, I'll rape the virgin clit."
"The powers that be invested in me; planting my malevolent seed. Your screams make me erect."
"I almost don't want to dissect that childish cunt, but I come s...
Race To Space - Forest Lyrics
Sleeping in my
Sleeping in my den
I gathered them
Gathered them into words
When I'll wake from my dreams
Sky opens up
Clouds move up
Trees bend down
Hidden underneath the soil
I hear in spring
Underneath the soil
Whisp whisper they w...
Rubblebucket - Formless And New Lyrics
[Verse 1]
All this time has gone by
And I'm still an infant
My soft frame has bumped around
I've had pain and I've had you
And I'm still formless and new
I'm an infant ticks in time
Morrissey - Scandinavia Lyrics
I was bored in a Fjord
And I curse the heart and soul of Scandinavia
Let the people burn
Let their children cry and die in blind asylums
But then you came along
And you held out your hand
And I fell in love wi...
Infant Annihilator - Childchewer Lyrics
The cattle of the shepherd shall mourn
[Verse 1]
There is no death for me to fear, for Christ, my Lord, hath died
There is no curse in this, my pain, for His beliefs were crucified
The sun sets
The blood...
Infant Annihilator - Empusa: Queen Of The Damned Lyrics
I tip-toe through the tulips, drenched in anal fluid
Through the flowers splattered in cum and vomit
Smothered in petals and mucus
Admiring my Eden of filth
Limp little sluts
Lay upon the lilies
Leeched virgin waste flushed o...
Infant Annihilator - Crucifilth Lyrics
Hysteria possesses the population as the vortex consumes the clouds
The catalyst of the conjuration opens a doorway to our realm
"Emerge from the bowels of the ethereal pathway, a labyrinthian hell, projecting a bellow that quak...
Infant Annihilator - The Palpable Leprosy Of Pollution Lyrics
I will re-write history. They say the pen is mightier than the sword;
And with a pen I'll restructure the formation of religion to re-wire
Their minds to a subservient system. With the scriptures revised to
Hypnotize I will unite...
Infant Annihilator - Baptised. Bastardised. Sodomised. Lyrics
The Black Dahlia Murder - Matriarch Lyrics
Two pairs of headlights
Cut a night as black as coal
I chase predatorily my prize
Down these old darkened roads
Panic stricken, hapless mother
Fearful for her pregnancy
In a grave miscalculation
She wildly yanks the wheel into a tree
See t...
Humming House - Stop Me Still Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Follow me now and be my friend
Oh we'll fill our drinks full of innocent wine
And start stopping the time
[Verse 2]
Strap me down to that sitting chair
Stop me still till we get somewhere wiser
And start stop...
Infant Annihilator - Decapitation Fornication Lyrics
Face the cold reality
Slow and with formality
I'm obsessively stabbing you
The blood is drowning you as you gargle and you spew
Bodily fluids fill your lungs
This is the end of you
Your Consciousness slips away
Tune-yards - Left Behind Lyrics
My mind
This place has really changed it's ways
Luckily there's only really rich folk living here
Remember what you used to do to me?
Remember the way it used to be?
Cruisin' in the block
Burnin' like it was all ...
Infant Annihilator - The Kingdom Sitteth Lonely Beneath Thine Hollowed Heavens Lyrics
Day after day
Rape after rape
A serpent slithering deep in the world's womb agape
From mountains to rivers
Valleys to lakes
I slaughtered and maimed
Rituals of phallic mutilation
Piteous virgins soaked in menstruation
Skeletonwitch - Sacred Soil Lyrics
The sacred soil
I cage my demons beneath sacred soil
Before they envelope the sky
And as they claw for their upheaval
I birth blackened wings and fly
We are the harbingers of fire
Clinging to the crux of life
We are the ...
Fallulah - We All Need Water Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I missed the train
I was left outside for hours in the rain
Then I started swimming
But I never found home again
[Pre-Chorus 1]
I started fresh
I found a clean slate, a place to lay my head
Then goes the rising
Kelly Lee Owens - Soil, Soil Lyrics
All you need to save me
All you need to save me
All you need to save me
All you need to save me
All you need to save me
All you need to save me...
Those Poor Bastards - Pay The Viper Lyrics
Enterprise Earth - This Hell My Home Lyrics
Born in the shadows
Forced to evolve
Mutated flesh, my skin dissolves
Forsaken by light, enslaved by darkness
I am heartless
I've become a monster
When I look in the mirror, that's all I see
I'm not the man I us...
Dullko - Paralysis Lyrics
As we carry the burden of manifestation
They enjoy formication.
Whenever we believe their lies, they touch themselves
And when they speak to us, they soil our Selves.
They touch up elves.
What is possible for individual man is impo...
Infant Annihilator - Unholy Gravebirth Lyrics
Oh Father, I have done as you wished:
Gathering the implements of the conjuration
I now read from the sacrament made with the skin of virgin genitals
Their screams echo like thunder within these monuments of stone
The blood of the s...
Portrait - Beast Of Fire Lyrics
Thou, whom they call the desolate one
Thy face we need not see
For thy presence is yet so clear
Thou who shall grant us the fatal wind
And bestow us the light that is not
Opposer beyond the veil of the void
Ascend, the beast of fire