IFGF Praise - Marvelous Cross Lyrics
Pure love, how could it be
Mercy, poured out for me
Gracious, laid down for all
Laid down for all
How great is Your love
How marvelous the cross
You paid with Your blood
Just to set me free
Now Jesus You hold
The key to my...
IFGF Praise - Lord Of All Lyrics
From the deepest to the highest
I will sing Your praise
Love surrounds me
Stands before me
So I will sing Your praise
Oh.. Oh.. Oh..
You are the Lord of all
God of my life
So take control
To You I give my all
For I am Yours and You are mi...
IFGF Praise - For God So Loved Lyrics
Verse 1
For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Who's given all His life
To cleanse me from mysins
Pre Chorus
He died on Calvary
He paid the price for me
Oo Jesus Jesus
Your blood was shed for me
Oo Jesus Jesus
Your cr...
Page CXVI - Praise To The Lord Lyrics
Praise to the Lord
The almighty
The king of creation
Oh my soul praise him
For he is thy health and salvation
All ye who hear
Now to his temple draw near
Praise to the Lord
Who hath fearfully
Wondrously made thee
Bill And Gloria Gaither - Hallelujah, Praise The Lamb Lyrics
From the moment man first disobeyed the Father
We were then held captive by our sin
The law of God demanded a sacrifice
Restoring to Himself His own again
So the Lamb,
His only Son was freely offered
Atonement for our sins fo...
June Christy - Too Marvelous For Words Lyrics
I search for phrases
To sing your praises
But there aren't any magic adjectives
To tell you all you are!
You're just too marvelous
Too marvelous for words
Like glorious, glamorous
And that old standby, amorous
It's all too ...
Phil Wickham - Doxology/Amen Lyrics
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him all he heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen
God we praise You
God we praise You
Praise God for all that he has done
Praise hi...
Carlton Pearson - Fill My Cup Lyrics
Fill my cup, Lord,
I lift it up, Lord;
Come and quench
This thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven,
Feed me 'til I want no more;
Here's my cup, fill it up,
And make me whole.
(Repeat) 2
Let Jesus fi...
Rend Collective - Nailed To The Cross Lyrics
[Verse 1]
When I stand accused by my regrets
And the devil roars his empty threats
I will preach the gospel to myself
That I am not a man condemned
For Jesus Christ is my defence
My sin is nailed to the cross
My ...
Marshall Hall - He Looked Beyond My Faults Lyrics
Amazing Grace shall always be my song of praise
For it was grace that bought my liberty
I do not know just how He came to love me so
He looked beyond my faults and saw my need
I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary
To vi...
Joshua McCain - All Praise To You Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Joy, strength, You know exactly what we need
Peace, rest, it is Your voice that calms the sea
Oh Lord You reign over everything You speak
Hope, life, You are the reason why we sing
All praise to You
You deserve the highe...
Carolanne B. McLean - King Of Kings (Lift Him Up) Lyrics
Verse 1:
Lift high the Lord our banner!
Let all His praises
Ring in the ears of all--
Praises sang unto the King!
His power and His light overcome the darkness!
His presence is our might,
As we all come before His throne!
Pre-Chorus 1:
O ...
Indiana Bible College - Jesus Is Worthy Of All Praise Lyrics
With my hands I'm gonna praise You
With my mouth make a joyful noise
Lift my voice o exalt Your Name
Worthy, oh, worthy
Jesus is worthy of all praise
Oh, give thanks unto the Lord
Let the redeemed of God say so
Austin Henry - Victory Lyrics
God, Sovereign Ruler.
God, Lord of all things,
You took away the sins of mankind -
Who am I to worship and find
The mercy of the King
Clothed in majesty?
The blood He shed for me -
A marvelous mystery.
A marvelous myst...
Indiana Bible College - Give Him Praise Lyrics
We've come to give Him glory
And lift Him up
We've come to give Him praise for
All that's He's done
Give Him the praise (Give Him the praise)
Give Him the praise (Give Him the praise)
Give Him the praise
IFGF Praise - Terhanyut Lyrics
Ini rinduku, hasratku
Lekat padamu, Yesusku
Ku tenggelam dalammu
Ku tersungkur di hadirmu
Bawaku Tuhan
Lebih dalam lagi
Ku terhanyut
Di dalam kasihmu
Mataku tertuju
Jiwaku berseru
Kau yang puaskan
Dahaga hatiku...
Greg Monk - Give God All The Praise Lyrics
I just want to share with you my testimony
And how he's been so good to me
You see, I once was lost
But Jesus save me
Was blind but now I see
Throw your hands up
Hands up, throw your hands up
And give God all the praise
The praise
Rend Collective - Celebrate Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening
Praise Him when you're smiling, praise Him when you're breaking
Praise Him in the sun and praise Him in the starlight
Praise Him every season, praise Him throu...
Sam Sparro - Marvelous Lover Lyrics
Kings Kaleidoscope - All Creatures Lyrics
[Verse 1]
All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Oh Praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O, praise Him! O, praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! A...
Marshall Hall - Praise Him Lyrics
To the amazing One
To the unchanging One
To Him the anthem raise
Lift up Your hymns of praise
For all the things He's done
For all the things to come
To Him the anthem raise
Lift up a shout of
Praise Him with all of the mus...
Jeremy Riddle - Call To Praise Lyrics
Come all those who heed His call
Respond with heart, with body, with all
And worship ye the King
Come and facedown fall
Worship ye the Lord of all
Truly we were made to praise the Lord
So join with me you saints and Him adore...
Henry McKenzie - Paradise Lyrics
The colors of the evening sky
Bright amber, blue and gray
How marvelous, all the things you've made
Like the canvas of the night
Endless stars reach out in space
How marvelous, you hold each on in place
Paradise, a ne...
Hezekiah Walker - Every Praise Lyrics
Every praise is to our God.
Every word of worship with one accord
Every praise every praise is to our God.
Sing hallelujah to our God
Glory hallelujah is due our God
Every praise every praise is to our God.
God m...
Chris Gatsby - High Class Lyrics
To all my ladies with the hot class
You're what I need if you're flying my class
Living marvelous, so marvelous
Living marvelous, so marvelous.
To all my ladies with the hot class
You're what I need if you...
Chris Gatsby - High Class Lyrics
To all my ladies with the hot class
You're what I need if you're flying my class
Living marvelous, so marvelous
Living marvelous, so marvelous.
To all my ladies with the hot class
You're what I need if you're...
Ellie Holcomb - Anchor Of Hope Lyrics
Marvelous, wonderful, infinite God
Author of all that is good
Faithful provider and giver of life
Source of all power and love
Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise
Refuge of strength to the end
Righteous redeemer and ...
Hillsong Worship - King Of Kings Lyrics
[Verse 1]
In the darkness
We were waiting
Without hope
Without light
Till from heaven
You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfill the law and prophets
To a virgin came the word
From a throne of endless glory...
IDLES - Faith In The City Lyrics
I got a job in the city
1, 2, 3, 4
[Verse 1]
There's no god in the city
Uncle Noel's got cancer in his brain
Uncle Noel's got cancer in his lungs and his brain
I thought it would tear that man apart
Luckily, uncle No...
Kari Jobe - Oh The Power Lyrics
Knees to the earth
That you breath by your word
As you watched the darkness come
Crushed by the weight of the cost as you prayed
Not my will but yours be done
Gethsemane, where heaven met me
Redeemer, crowned in endless pr...
Third Day - Father Of Lights Lyrics
Father of love, Father of lights
Let Your love fall, let it shine bright
You alone deserve the honor and the glory
You alone deserve all our praise
So we worship You and You alone
Great and marvelous are Your deeds
Oh Lord...
Jenn Bostic - Praise You Lyrics
The Lord is my savior, He carries me home
I know that He's with me when I'm alone
The Lord is my savior, He lifts me up
In all of my weakness, He's more than enough
And I'm singing
Praise You, praise You,
Matthew West - Praise The Lord (to God Be The Glory) Lyrics
To God be the glory
Great things He has done
He so loved the world
That He gave us His son
Who gave up His life
The forgiveness of sin
The gates open wide
He has welcomed us in
Oh, praise the Lord
Let the earth hear His voice
Yolanda Adams - Hallelujah Lyrics
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah is the highest praise,
Hallelujah is the highest praise
Hallelujah is the highest praise,
Hallelujah is the highest praise
Let e...
William Murphy - The Sacrifice Of Praise Lyrics
I wish I had some real folks in the house tonight who say I don't always feel like lifting my hands. I wanna teach you a real simple song tonight. My brother Elder Eugene Brown is going to sing it for us. It simply says..
We offer, ...
Indiana Bible College - Psalm 150 Lyrics
Verse 1
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord say
(Let everything that have breath praise the Lord)
Sound the alarm to the most high God
Praise the Lord, Oh, Praise the Lord
(Praise Him for His excellent greatness)
Praise Hi...
The Belonging Co - Isn't He (This Jesus) Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Captivator of the searching heart
This Jesus, how precious
Mender of a million shattered parts
This Jesus, relentless
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh, oh-ooh
This Jesus, this Jesus
So wonderful, so beautiful
Rick Founds - Lord I Lift Your Name On High Lyrics
Lord I lift Your name on high
Lord I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt ...
IFGF Praise - Pemegang Hidupku Lyrics
Jiwaku haus akan hadiratMu
Seperti tanah yang kering
Betapa kurindu rasakan kasihMu
Puaskan relung hatiku
Kaulah nafas hidupku
Kaulah bagianku
Engkaulah tempat perlindunganku
Dalam naunganMu kuberserah penuh
Jiwaku melekat kepadaMu
Blutengel - Praise The Lord Lyrics
Praise the lord, praise the lord
Praise the lord, praise the lord
Can you see the dying children?
Can you feel the pain?
Can you see the starving people?
Praying in vain
Can you see the hate between us,
When a man kills ...