Dia Frampton - The Broken Ones Lyrics
I know they've hurt you bad.
Wide, the scars you have.
Baby let me straighten out your broken bones,
All your faults to me make you more beautiful.
I can't help it,
I love the broken ones,
The ones who,
Need the most patc...
Pijar - Filantropi Lyrics
(Dia, dia, dia)
(Dia, dia, dia)
[Verse 1]
Kau lihat senyumanku melihat dirimu
Kau lihat pandanganku melihat senyummu
Sementara malam datang
Kutunggu kau di pagi
Perjalananku terhenti
Sebuah akhir d...
Never Shout Never - Under The Mistletoe Lyrics
Darlin' wont you tell me what you're doin' later on tonight, tonight
My daddy said you're bad news and I gotta keep you out of sight, but I might
Sneak out up the chimney and bring my favorite dan...
Witt Lowry - Lately Lyrics
[Intro: Witt Lowry]
[Verse 1: Witt Lowry]
Lately, I been reminded, they say that time's of the essence
You pulled me deep from the trenches, I guess we're here for confessions
And lately, I been reminded that lov...
Nidji - Manusia Sempurna Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Dia, kulihat dia
Selalu menutup mata
Dia adalah malam
Aku dan dia
Dia menutup mata
Dia terus berjalan
Dia tak hiraukan
Aku dan dia
Terbanglah kepadaku
Manusia sempurna untukku
Lara hati menunggu...
Afgan - Dia Dia Dia Lyrics
Akhirnya, akhirnya aku temukan
Wajah yang mengalihkan duniaku
Membuat diriku sungguh-sungguh
Tak berhenti mengejar pesonanya
Kan ku berikan yang terbaik
Tuk membuktikan cinta kepadanya
Dia Dia Dia, cinta yang ku tunggu tun...
Cícero - A Cidade Lyrics
A verdade anda só
No meio da rua
Não devia ser, mas é
Tudo continua igual
Tudo continua
A cidade e o redor
A menina nua
A cabeça assimilando
Tudo continua desmorando
Amanhã o dia amanhecerá
Foi e é assim des...
Zat Kimia - Reaktan Lyrics
Di semesta ada kita
Manusia bagian darinya
Selalu bereaksi bersama dia
Semesta kan mencari
Cara tuk wujudkan buah vibrasimu
Semesta bereaksi bersamamu
Beri dia yang terbaikmu
Karena dia bagian darimu
Gema fikiranmu dan...
Kahitna - Andai Dia Tahu Lyrics
Bilakah dia tahu
Apa yang tlah terjadi
Semenjak hari itu
Hati ini miliknya
Mungkinkah dia jatuh hati
Seperti apa yang kurasa
Mungkinkah dia jatuh cinta
Seperti apa yang kudamba
Bilakah dia mengerti
Apa ...
Witt Lowry - Debt Lyrics
Elza Soares - Hoje é Dia De Festa Lyrics
Alô Comanche, alô poeta
Atenção toda tribo, toda falange, toda nação
Hoje é dia de festa
Comanche, poeta, poeta, Comanche
Hoje é dia de festa, hoje é dia de festa
É dia de levar flores para o mar
É dia de dar presente...
Voodoo - Salam Untuk Dia Lyrics
Senja datang sambut sang bulan
Iringi langkahku, lalui sunyinya malam
Kuberjalan layangkan khayal
Kutepiskan duka, sendiri kumelangkah
Saat itu kumelihat, seraut wajah
Yang pancarkan rasa
Sejenak aku terlena akan indahnya dia...
Agnes Monica - Rapuh Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Belum sempat ku membagi
Belum sempat ku membuat
Dia tersenyum
Haruskah ku kehilangan
Tuk kesekian kali
Tuhan ku mohon jangan lakukan itu
Sebab ku sayang dia
Sebab ku kasihi dia
Cícero - Terminal Alvorada Lyrics
Como vai?
Tudo bem, acredito
O dia passa bem assim
Dia vai, dia vem
Não duvido
E tudo que vier faz parte
Como tá?
Tudo bem, acredito
O dia passa bem aqui
Dia vai, dia vem
Eu não ligo
E a vida se...
Ska With Klasik - Gadis Manis Di Waktu Manis Lyrics
Nikmati waktu pesta
Saat senja sudah jauh tenggelam
Alunan musik dansa kurasakan
Dan ku semakin tenggelam
Tak jauh ku memandang
Gadis manis tlah berdiri di hadapanku
Dengan senyum dia menyapa
Kuterbius dengan pandangan pertama
M. Nasir - Insan Dan Manikam Lyrics
Ya insan yang hadir
Dengarkan semua
Ku isytiharkan dengan hati terbuka
Ya insan yang daif
Insaflah semua
Manikam yang di sangkakan
Bukan yang asli
Hanya seiras dan serupa
Ya insan yang hagas
Awasilah semua
Maya yang indah
Ada kudisnya
Cícero - A Grande Onda Lyrics
Vem ver o tumulto do alto
Nosso mar de asfalto, ferro e pó
Vem ver a ferrugem de dentro
O mar de pavimento e fios em nó
Vem ver sob ansiolíticos
Sob anfetamínicos nossa ilusão
Vem ver envergando os prédios
Inundando os b...
Gipsy Kings - Djobi, Djoba Lyrics
Ay Nina
Yo te encuentro
Solita por la calle
Yo me siento amorado
Yo me siento triste solo
Djobi Djoba
Cada dia yo te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia yo te quiero mas
Djobi djobi djobi djoba
Cada dia yo te quiero mas
Armeni Federico - Los Dias Que Nunca LLegan Lyrics
En los dias de sano optimismo
En los dias donde el tiempo pasa
En los dias donde me olvido de todo
Sobretodo dolores y tormentos
Y cuando todo tiene sentido
Y el sentido es aquello justo
Y el justo es lo que tiene sentido
Dia Frampton - I Will Lyrics
If you forget the reason that you're singing
And it's hard to find the song of your soul
Just remember how you helped me start believing
Anytime you're feeling down, I hope you know
Who's gonna always have your bac...
Vertical Horizon - Broken Over You Lyrics
Closer than I've ever been
With you.
Trying to get settled in
After all we went through and
Just breathing for a moment
To see what we had
Before it got stolen
Can we get back this love?
Just like we had this love
Just like we...
Vertical Horizon - Broken Over You Lyrics
Closer than I've ever been
With you.
Trying to get settled in
After all we went through and
Just breathing for a moment
To see what we had
Before it got stolen
Can we get back this love?
Just like we had this love
Just like w...
Dia Frampton - Isabella Lyrics
Isabella, Isabella, I heard you crying through the walls
What's the matter? What's the matter?
All the neighbors hear it down the hall
And I didn't want to be the first to say
Everyone around here thinks you're cra...
The Wood Brothers - Little Bit Broken Lyrics
Vukovi - C.L.A.U.D.I.A Lyrics
Didn't really get that far
And you lost the war
I don't really mind these scars
[Verse 1]
You haunt me, you prick me, you follow me
You knew I was against that ego
It's laughable, you'r...
Dia Frampton - Walk Away Lyrics
Looking back on younger days, the time has passed,
And nothing stays the same. Hey hey hey!
She was such a pretty girl, with glowing eyes and yellow curls. Hey hey hey!
Stars are in a summer night,
She's wishing that they'd fa...
NOAH - Kupu-Kupu Malam Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ada yang benci dirinya
Ada yang butuh dirinya
Ada yang berlutut mencintanya
Ada pula yang kejam menyiksa dirinya
[Chorus 1]
Ini hidup wanita si kupu-kupu malam
Bekerja bertaruh seluruh jiwa raga
Bibir senyum kat...
Vierra - To Nessa Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Hei Nessa
Baca pesan
Pesan dari dirinya
Hei Nessa
Angkat telepon
Telepon dari dirinya
Dia ingin bercerita
Berbagi dan berteman
Kami hanya mailakat
Tak mungkin menyampaikan
Sheryl Crow - Everything Is Broken Lyrics
[Verse 1: Sheryl Crow]
Broken lines, broken strings
Broken threads, broken springs
Broken idols, broken heads
People sleeping in broken beds
Ain't no use jiving, ain't no use joking
Everything is broken
[Verse 2: ...
Zat Kimia - Dimanakah Dia Lyrics
Setiap manusia mengidamkan seorang pahlawan
Hapuskan derita dari tirani yang usang
Yang kini kadaluarsa
Dimanakah dia berada saat ini
Mungkin hatinya telah mati kali ini ooh
Kehadiran dia kan memberikan harapan
Pada hati y...
Pijar - Selatan Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Mereka pergi ke sana dengannya
Ah ah ah ah
Bermimpi dia akan datang untukku
Uh uh uh uh
Hey, now you know, now you know, now you know
Oh really, now you know I do
Hey, now you know, now you know, no...
Acidente - Ontem Foi Dia De Rock Lyrics
Ontem Foi Dia de Rock eu me lembro muito bem
Todos que estavam comigo vão sempre lembrar também
O rock era o som e a luz dos nossos caminhos
Muito mais do que uma tela pode mostrar
O tempo passou lentamente, mas muito tempo passou
Gonzaguinha - Bom Dia Lyrics
Apesar de tudo estamos vivos
Pro que der e vier prosseguir
Com a alma cheia de esperanças
Enfrentando a herança que taí
(meu Deus do céu)
Nós atravessamos mil saaras
E eu nunca vi gente melhor pra resistir
A tanta avidez,...
Branko - Tudo Certo Lyrics
Deixa-me respirar
Seguir em frente e sentir
Onde posso encontrar
Aquilo que tanto procuro
Já que um novo dia vai nascer
Chega de olhar pra trás
Vou contar até 10
Quero sangue novo
Pra fazer-me à vida
Selena - Vuelve A Mi Lyrics
Cada vez, que veo llover,
me recuerdo al dia, cuando dijiste adios.
Y con cada gota de aqua que cai,
es como cada lagrima, que lloraba por ti.
Y espero ese dia, en que vuelvas a mi...
Estaba lloviendo ese dia,
ese dia que me djiste...
Victoria Vargas - Dia De Milagro Lyrics
Hoy es dia de milagro
Dia de liberacion
Yo lo estoy declarando
En el nombre del señor
No importa lo que estoy pasando
Dios siempre tiene el control
Tiene la ultima palabra
Es mi dia de bendicion.
Arrebato mi milagro
Con el poder de Dios
Boogarins - Lá Vem A Morte Pt. 3 Lyrics
Outro dia vi um desses
Descendo de um navio
"Isso é balela"
Mas não é não
Outro dia vi um desses
Seu destino é o poste
"Isso é coisa velha"
Mas não é não
Outro dia eu vi
Nos quilomb...
Anitta - Minha Mãe, Minha Vida (Jingle Dia Das Mães) Lyrics
Nasce um dia tão lindo
Quanto você, é a musa do meu viver
Minha mãe, minha vida é você!
Troca comigo e vira o meu bebê
Vou te cuidar, te abraçar
Pra poder te demonstrar
Tudo o que eu tenho a dar
Obrigada por me amar!
Parabéns, ho...
Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Wanita Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Selalu ingin bersama
Dekat dengan dia
Dan menghabiskan waktuku
Tanpa tersisa
Berharap dia terus temani aku
Hingga buat diriku tersadar
Aku wanita yang
Sedang jatuh cinta
Ingin membawanya s'lalu...
Patrick Watson - Broken Lyrics
Tell me where we're going tonight
Home is better than wandering in our heads
We tried everything to save our love
The best was always waiting to come
Did we dig too deep
For fifty-one reasons not to lose our souls?
And it's not th...