alexthomasdavis - We Got GOD Lyrics
We may be stupid
But guess what
We got GOD
We might be falling over ourselves
But we got GOD
We may be gullible
Guess what
We got LOVE
We might be as thick as two short planks
But we got LOVE
All those little things
You said to m...
alexthomasdavis - Finding God Again Lyrics
When I was young
I believed in god
Then they throw bricks at you
And they throw sticks at you
And it's taught out of you
Science is the only view
And I found god
There's nothing I would rather say to you my friend...
alexthomasdavis - The Revolt Lyrics
When they play with god
It sets my soul on fire
As they cast their rod
And expel all the liars
One more day to go
Until the world/war is over
Tomorrow never knows
Shine on supa nova
All my life
I've waited for my kill
Cattle ...
alexthomasdavis - Chav Central Lyrics
As I approach it's clear to see
There's five of them and one of me
There's not the time to turn and flee
So shoulders back and count to three
The times have gone where you could plea
There's more of them behind the ...
The Brilliance - Our God Alone Lyrics
Who formed the mountains and filled the oceans?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who took the dust, breathed life in us?
Our god alone, our god alone
Alleluiawho came from heaven for our redemption?
Our god alone, our god alone
Who ...
alexthomasdavis - Intergalactic Order Of Judges Lyrics
I polish up souls
So they return to GOD
In the best condition
Ridding them of fog
I thought about the summer of your mind
I thought that you were lost but you were blind
As I pull your soul up through your eyes
Judge you not and you ...
alexthomasdavis - Just A Song Lyrics
Theres someone so odd
Whos trying to fit in
Theres someone with GOD
Whos living in sin
Theres someone with lice
Whos tried all the cures
Theres someone with rice
Who eats off the floor
This is just a song i wrote for you
Dont take ...
alexthomasdavis - Other People Lyrics
Some people need a faith
Some other people go to waste
And ive proved that god exists
Some other people still resist
And i know some people
They will never fall from grace
Some other people
Disappear without a trace
And i know some ...
DJ Khaled - Asahd and Aalam Cloth Talk Lyrics
What you say?
God did!
What's daddy say?
Another one, God did!
God did!
God did, God did
God did, God did
God did, God did...
alexthomasdavis - The Working Man Lyrics
The working man
Gets the upper hand
He has the power
In the land
For he works
The most is king
And forges his
Own golden ring
The working man
Who goes through hell
Will reach his heaven
From his well
For he who works
The most i...
Atwood - God // Interlude Lyrics
alexthomasdavis - Cup Of Water Lyrics
Our soul is like a cup of water
GOD is like the oceans daughter
Theres no time on astral plains
Theres no time for present gains
Your soul is like a battery hen
Look what you did you did to them
Theres some depth on astral plains
alexthomasdavis - The Realms Of Ghosts And Animals Heavens And Hells Lyrics
The realms of ghosts and animals heavens and hells
Put your hands together please
Pray for god eternally
Pray for good and you will see
Your rocket launch successfully
The realms of ghosts and animals heavens and hells
Out of body you...
alexthomasdavis - Leave Your Mark Lyrics
Like a scorpion
Without its sting
Ill fight my corner
By singing
Leave your mark
In the dark...
alexthomasdavis - You Got To Believe In Something Lyrics
Youve got to believe in something
Youve got to believe in something
Youve got to believe in something
Youve got to believe in something
Something good
Something right
One fine day were going to be alright
Something old
Something new...
alexthomasdavis - Set Up Sit Down Lyrics
When I'm dead and gone
I thought I had a sit down
With jimi kurt and bob
Shouting all the odds
When I'm dead and gone
I thought I'd taken my vows
Promised all the big guns
At a meal of choice
They were speaking just l...
Pee Wee Salinas - This Song Is To God Lyrics
Oh... oh... oh... uh... !
Oh God... oh God... !
God I want say to you
Can you bless my family
God... God... God... !
La... La... La... Na...
Na... Na... ! I believe
You God uh... uh...
God... oh oh oh yeah
Thank you God fo...
Pee Wee - This Song Is To God Lyrics
Oh... oh... oh... uh... !
Oh God... oh God... !
God I want say to you
Can you bless my family
God... God... God... !
La... La... La... Na...
Na... Na... ! I believe
You God uh... uh...
God... oh oh oh yeah
Thank you God fo...
Pee Wee - About God Lyrics
Oh... oh... oh... uh... !
Oh God... oh God... !
God I want say to you
Can you bless my family
God... God... God... !
La... La... La... Na...
Na... Na... ! I believe
You God uh... uh...
God... oh oh oh yeah
Thank you God fo...
Joseph Arthur - Maybe Yes Lyrics
Is God a stripper? Is God a noose?
Is God a drunkard on the loose?
Is God a vulture? Is God in bones?
Is God a beggar sucking stones?
Is God a dealer? Is God the knife?
Is God the footsteps past your life?
Is God for ransom? Is God...
alexthomasdavis - Saving Robert Johnson Lyrics
Id love to have a go
At saving robert johnson
He sold his soul to the devil
Ill get him back on the level...
alexthomasdavis - Where You Belong Lyrics
Take me to the place where you belong
Take me to the place well carry on
I know in time well never change it
Take my heart you'll never break it
Find the key you'll never fake it
Once again you'll never make it...
King Davids Army - God Is My Shield Lyrics
It seems like things are falling apart
God is my shield he protects me
He saved me through his only son
God is my shield without him Im lost
God is my shield if ever you doubt
He will suprise you
God is my shield
He created all in ju...
alexthomasdavis - Free Lyrics
I'm falling down
Whys it so hard for me to see
A joyless clown
Knocking on the door of enemies
It's just a frown
One that I can't lift up or see
So just for now
I want my life to be
Yolanda Adams - God Will Take Care Of You Lyrics
Be not dismayed whate'er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath his wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.
God will take care of you,
Through every day, o'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
Steve Green - God And God Alone Lyrics
Verse 1:
God and God alone created all these things we call our own
From the mighty to the small the Glory in them all is God's and God's alone
Verse 2:
God and God alone reveals the truth of all we call unknown
And a...
alexthomasdavis - Out There Is The Truth Lyrics
All those little things I said to you
You know they were true
All those little songs I wrote for you
You know they were true
The truth is out there
Don't be blind
Take a look and
You will find
It's so not that much
Of a g...
alexthomasdavis - Sunshine Lyrics
You will see
Everything in front of me
You will find
Everything but peace of mind
And i know theres sunshine in your eyes
And i know theres sunshine in your smile...
alexthomasdavis - Binary Code Lyrics
My mind it works in binary code
Yes no yes no yes no yes no
A fallen spacecraft in the know
Yes no yes no yes no yes no
Now my mind is finally blown
Yes no yes no yes no yes no
As I walk on down the road
Yes no yes no yes no yes no
alexthomasdavis - Apocalypse Or War Lyrics
Whys it so unclear
Aliens or GOD made us
While we live in fear
Nursing giant hangovers
So give a final cheer
Hope that good beats evil
She'd a final tear
As the world it teeters
Apocalypse or war
What a final choice
Wheres th...
alexthomasdavis - When You Love Someone You Love Someone Lyrics
When you're stuck in the mud
Without your gloves
And your love lifes gone astray
Just remember that your love
Will never fade away
And when september winds
Blow your mind away
Just remember your love glows
And is always here to...
Carolina John Rees - God Believes In You Lyrics
When you start to doubt if you exist
God believes in you
Confounded by the evidence
God believes in you
When your light burns so dim
When your chances seem so slim
And you swear you don't believe in Him
God believes in...
alexthomasdavis - Off The Planet Lyrics
Ive gotta get off this planet soon
Theres no room for you in my empty/precious heart
Its a start when wedding bells they seem to boom
But id rather play roulette with a dart
Theres a place our souls will become stars
If you go past ven...
Marshall Hall - Be Still And Know He Is God Lyrics
Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is holy
Be still, O restless soul of mine
Bow before the Prince of peace
Let the noise and clamor cease
Be still
Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He ...
alexthomasdavis - Roads Lyrics
Lets face it
Weve got nothing in common
Lets pace it out
Weve got nothing in common
I took the a59
Then I took the a1
I went around the m25
Just for a singsong...
Nina Simone - God, God, God Lyrics
From the depths of slumber,
As I ascend the spiral stairways of wakefulness,
I will whisper:
God! God! God!
Thou art the food, and when I break my fast
Of nightly separation from Thee,
I will taste Thee, and mentally say:
God! God! God!
No ...
alexthomasdavis - The Guard Lyrics
Why would you lie
Put your job right on the line
Eating humble pie
Have you really got no spine
Everyday I see you smile
But is it really worth your while
Everyday a nod or wink
Is just enough to make you think
There's a ufo
Hezekiah Walker - Every Praise Lyrics
Every praise is to our God.
Every word of worship with one accord
Every praise every praise is to our God.
Sing hallelujah to our God
Glory hallelujah is due our God
Every praise every praise is to our God.
God m...
Issue No. 107 - Hope Will Rise Lyrics
Faithful forever are you God, are you God
Merciful healer are you God, are you God
Mighty redeemer, are you God, are you God
Shield and defender are you God, are you god!
Faithful forever are you God, are you God (oh you are)...
alexthomasdavis - The Beautiful Game Lyrics
I wish my love for you was the same
As my love for the beautiful game
Keep the ball
Long or short
Stand up tall
Don't be caught
Play in holes
In the gaps
Score some goals
From the scraps
Hold it up now
For a while
Pass the ...